RFI and Unissey
RFI and Unissey
RFI and Unissey

Facial biometrics: A revolution in digital passwords

Dec 4, 2022

A French start-up is setting out to revolutionise biometrics devices by replacing a digital password with facial recognition. The consequences of this technology are enormous.

Biometric authentication

Unissey, the start-up behind this biometrics innovation, is developing artificial intelligence programmes that transform every mobile phone camera and webcam into a powerful biometric authentication tool. Find out how this technology is revolutionising the simple digital password.

Your face, your digital password

One of Unissey's flagship projects is to make your face the universal digital password for secure access to your data. Explore how this works and what it means for the future of online security.

>>> To find out more, read the full article by RFI here